Mat Whitaker


Full name:  Mat Whitaker

Family: Wife: Clarissa; Children: Hannah, Noah, Micah

Ministry Role: Senior Pastor

Dream vacation: Hike the entire John Muir Trail

What’s your regular order at Starbucks: Grande Caramel Macchiato  

Favorite movie(s):  Most of the Marvel movies, Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Life motto: “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.”

Favorite scripture: Hebrews 7:25,  Jude 24-25

Years in Ministry: 16 years

When and where did you get saved: The Holy Spirit convicted me of my sins and brought me to repentance and faith in Christ at the age of 7 at Murray Lane Baptist Church, Sikeston, MO.

Music that moves me: Hymns (modern or traditional with deep theological truth)

Favorite style of Music: Indie/folk, modern jazz

Favorite book(s): The Bible; God’s Big Picture by Vaughn Roberts, The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul; A Vision For Missions by Tom Wells

In my spare time I… enjoy hiking and backpacking

What makes you laugh? Witty one-liners, slap-stick comedy, and many of the things my kids come up with

What is weird about you? I love lots of things made with tomatoes—pizza, spaghetti, salsa, etc but I don’t like tomatoes